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Amphibians are among the most endangered animal groups in Austria and worldwide. For some amphibian species, agricultural areas and even cities are important habitats, despite many disturbances.

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Green toads

Amphibians are among the most endangered animal groups in Austria and worldwide. One example of this is the endangered green toad, a distinctly pioneer species. In Austria, its main distribution area is in eastern Austria.

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Our goal

The declared aim of the Pond initiative is to create a large number of spawning waters for the Green toad - and other pioneer species of small bodies of water. In addition to our target species, Yellow and Fire-bellied toads, Common toads and even Natterjack toads (threatened with extinction in Austria) could also use such waters, depending on the environment and altitude.

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Institut für Zoologie
Department für Integrative Biologie und Biodiversitätsforschung
Universität für Bodenkultur Wien
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1180 Wien

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